Complementary Therapies

The Hearing Voices Network Aotearoa NZ, likes to share information on all ways to live with hearing voices. This includes complementary therapies that have been shown to help. Below is some information. While we provide this information, we believe it is ultimately up to an individual to decide what works and what doesn't work for them. Freedom of choice is important for our members.

Aromatherapy for Coping with Voices by Adrienne Giacon

At our recent Healthy Choices for Hearing Voices, I gave a presentation on using Aromatherapy for Hearing Voices. I am a qualified Aromatherapist, have had my own practice and used to teach Aromatherapy at the New Zealand College of Massage.  I decided to involve the members of my support groups in the development process of my lecture.

Aromatherapy is the use of natural essential oils extracted from plants to encourage the bodies natural healing. They contain natural chemical components that are absorbed through the skin and into the bloodstream when massaged into the body. Their aroma can also be absorbed through the olfactory nerves in the nose and trigger chemical messages to the brain.

The purpose of this is not to present a 'cure' for hearing voices, but to provide voice hearers with a very pleasant coping strategy when dealing with the difficult emotions and challenges that hearing voices produces.

Read more: Aromatherapy for Coping with Voices by Adrienne Giacon
