Donations and Membership
Donations and Membership
- Details
- Category: HVNANZ Information
- Last Updated: Friday, 23 September 2016 05:28
- Published: Saturday, 07 October 2006 14:00
- Hits: 17179
The ‘Hearing Voices Network Aotearoa NZ’ is an incorporated society and a registered charity and as such relies on funding and donations to continue our work. You can support our work in NZ by becoming a member of our society or by providing us with a donation. All Donations are eligible for tax deductions as per the charity laws of New Zealand.
- We are an independent society (not part of clinical services). Our committee is voted in each year by our members. All members have voting rights as per the rules of our society. A copy of these is available upon request.
- We produce and distribute our printed newsletter to our members and at our support groups. At present this is biannual. We also have a free email list, where we send out information on current events, news items, research and workshops regarding hearing voices.
- Our website provides information and practical advice and helpful links for voice hearers, family and caregivers. It is a place where we can share information, ideas, news and articles of interest.
- Everyone in our organisation, from committee to the facilitators for the support groups are unpaid volunteers. The support groups we hold are free to all those who attend. Any donation or membership fees received help to provide resources for these groups and for voice hearers in New Zealand.
- We host public events and workshops available to all, to raise awareness and share practical advice for voice hearers and carers. Where possible we offer reduced rates to voice hearers, to allow them to better access ways to work towards their own recovery and to learn how to love with their voices.
- We also have a facebook page and group.
To make a monetary donation
Direct credit our account: Kiwibank A/c NO: 38 9007 0192704 00
Please ensure you place your name as a reference.
Please email details of your payment to our email address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. This will enable us to send you a receipt to enable you to claim tax and to confirm we have received your payment.
We can always do with a helping hand. If you would like to contribute in other ways we would love to hear from you. Practical help is always appreciated. We are often looking for people to help facilitate groups and to help with the committee tasks. Which may be things such as finding funding ideas or lodging applications, helping with the newsletter, preparing media and printed material, writing a poem, drawing a picture, contributing your view for our newsletter. All these things help to create the community that supports voice hearers.
Please email us if you wish to help, or contact Adrienne on 027 265 0266.
If you would like to become a member / supporter of the HVNANZ, please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Membership is free.