Events and Workshops

Open Ears, Open Eyes: Pukanohi Poare, Taringa Poare Workshop July 20 and 21 2019

Realities Christchurch  present a

                                                  FREE WEEKEND WORKSHOP                                                     


Young Adults who hear voices, have visions,  and/or experience non ordinary realities, sponsored by Like Minds, Like Mine

Pkanohi Poare, Taringa Poare:Open Eyes, Open Ears

July 20 & 21st 2019

This bicultural workshop is a place where young adults (18years  to 27 years) can come along and though korero, games, song , laughter and free shared meals:

·  Explore what your experiences mean to you.

· Share stories and experiences with like minded others

· Discuss how these experiences effect your life and  relationships with everything around you

· Look at ways we can support each other to overcome the challenges of discrimination and stigma in our lives

This workshop is Facilitated by Anne Scott and Louarnra Matenga. Both Anne and Louarna have experience of voices, visions and know how these experiences can be both distressing and to some bring joy. They have experienced the stigma that can be associated with being called mentally ill and look forward to sharing what they have learned from their journeys with you. 


VENUE: SKILLWISE 344 Manchester Street Christchurch.

DATE AND TIME: 9.30am to 4.30pm Saturday 20 and Sunday 21st July 2019


For more info  and to book your space please contact:

Anne Scott

E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

t: 0212091363


Louarna Matenga

t: 02041770459


OR COME ALONG & MEET US FIRST at our information meetings.

1) at YOUTH 298, Tuesday 9th July 12.00 to 1.00pm

2) EASTGATE McDonalds Thursday 11th July 12.40 to 1.30pm. Free burgers

3)ARANUI LIBRARY Thursday 11th July 4.30 to 5.30 pm 


Financial assistance with childcare costs and transport are available.